Riverside County
Riverside County Public Health Webpage
For Riverside County residents, please visit any of the following links:
San Bernardino County
San Bernardino County Public Health Webpage
For San Bernardino County residents, please visit any of the following links:
Inland Empire Resources
Information on COVID-19 Vaccines
Local Food Banks & Resources
- Find a Local Food Bank in Riverside and San Bernardino
- Food Resource List in the Inland Empire
- Inland Empire Breastfeeding Support During COVID-19
- Quarantine Support for Food and Agriculture Workers (en Español)
- Riverside County Homeless Prevention Resource List
- Resources on Food Assistance
- San Bernardino County’s Rent Relief Progam
Local COVID-19 Phone Directory
County COVID-19 Hotlines
- CDC’s Self-Checker for COVID-19 Symptoms
- County of Riverside’s Community Support Hotlines
- County of Riverside’s COVID-19 Information Line: Dial 2-1-1
- County of San Bernardino’s COVID-19 Hotline (M-F 9AM-5PM): (909) 387-3911
- For information regarding test results in the San Bernardino County, please call the COVID-19 Nurse Test Result Line at (909) 387-5155
County Behavioral Health Hotlines
- Additional San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Resources
- County of San Bernardino COVID-19 Behavioral Health Help Flyer with phone numbers (Daily from 7AM-10PM)
- For the County of Riverside’s COVID-19 Behavioral Health Helpline (Daily 24/7 & FREE), call (951) 686-4357
- For peer-run non-emergency emotional support, call the Peer-Run Warm Line at (855) 845-7415
- For Riverside County Health Care Workers, First Responders & Any Essential Staff Support During This Crisis, call (951) 955-7015
- For the Disaster Distress Helpline (Daily 24/7): Call 1 (800) 985-5990 OR text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor
Employee/Employer Resources
Business Owners & Employee Resources
- California’s EDD COVID-19 Website
- EDD’s website called UI Online (This page is the quickest & most convenient way to file a claim)
- U.S. Department of Labor COVID-19 Website
- Watch an instructional video outlining how to apply for UI benefits!
Employment/Volunteer Opportunities
General Resources
Behavioral Health Resources
- Caring for Patients’ Mental Well-Being During Coronavirus: A Guide for Clinicians
- Free Therapy Services for Children
- Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19
- Resources to Support the Health & Well-being of Communities Impacted by COVID-19
- Stigma and Resilience During COVID-19
- Strategies for Coping with Isolation and Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Working Remotely During COVID-19: Your Mental Health & Well-Being
COVID-19 and Cancer Resources
COVID-19 Children & Older Adults Resources
- Bedtime & Mental Health Coronavirus and Babies
- COVID-19 and Children: Tips to Keeping Children Healthy
- Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
- Talking with Children about COVID-19
- Talking With Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
- Tips & Resources for Family Members and Caregivers of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
General Resources
COVID-19 Immigrant Resources
COVID-19 Resources in Different Languages
General Resources
Resources for Seniors
Spanish/Español Resources
- Acceso a la Prueba y el Tratamiento del COVID-19
- ¿COVID-19, influenza, alergias o resfriado? Una guía de ayuda para conocer la diferencia
- COVID-19 Informacion Para Miembros de Molina Healthcare
- COVID-19 Pagos por Impacto Economico
- Lo Que Necesita Saber Sobre La Enfermedad del COVID-19
- Los Actualizaciones de COVID-19 de California
- Qué Hacer Si Contrae la Enfermedad Del COVID-19
- Síntomas de La Enfermedad del Coronavirus
Supportive Services
- Supportive Service Flyer 2020
- To learn more about accessing emergency housing vouchers for trafficking survivors, click here