Learn More About Covered California
Have you been wondering what the difference is between the Open Enrollment period and Special Enrollment with Covered California? Are you unsure as to when you can enroll in health coverage? Understanding all the different health care terms can be confusing, but we are here to help!
Open Enrollment
The Open Enrollment period takes place each year in the fall/winter and allows you to enroll in health coverage or make changes to your current coverage. Anyone can apply for health coverage and see they qualify for financial help.
Special Enrollment
The next Open Enrollment period isn’t until fall of 2019, but you can still enroll in health coverage at any time if you qualify for Special Enrollment. You can qualify for Special Enrollment if you experience certain life events, like getting married, having a baby, or losing other health coverage. (You can apply and enroll in Medi-Cal any time of year.)
A list of common qualifying life events for Special Enrollment that occur year-round can be found here. Please watch the video below to learn more about Covered California:
If you have experienced any of THESE qualifying life events, call us, visit CoveredCA.com or find local help.
Remember: For most qualifying life events, you have 60 days from the date of your qualifying event to apply for a health plan.
Thank you for your interest in Covered California!