Policy and Advocacy
The Community Health Association Inland Southern Region (CHAISR or the Association) is a champion for community-based health centers and clinics located throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. We use data and personal stories to advocate for our membership health centers to continue to serve the uninsured and underinsured in underserved areas. The Association works closely with elected officials, policy/decision makers, and local leadership to educate and elevate the work of community health centers and clinics.
The Association collaborates with the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) on federal issues as well as the California Primary Care Association (CPCA), Regional Associations of California (RAC), and California Health+ Advocates on state policy and advocacy issues among other matters.
Current issues that the Association is working on:
- 340B/Medi-Cal Rx
- Affordable Care Act (ACA)
- Behavioral Health
- Community Health Center Funding
- COVID-19/Vaccination
- Health4All
- Telehealth
- Workforce