Page 30 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
P. 30

Table 6

               Reasons Health Center Members are part of the Association (Click here to go back)

                What are the top three (3) reasons your organization is a member of the Community
                Health Association Inland Southern Region?
                        2020 (N=19)                      2019 (N=20)                     2018 (N=18)
                      Responses            #          Responses              #        Responses            #
                Collaboration             17  Collaboration                 13  Collaboration             16
                Resources                 10  Networking                    10  Best Practice             12
                Advocacy/Policy            9  Advocacy/Policy                9    Advocacy/Policy        11
                Best Practice Sharing      7  Best Practice Sharing          8    Networking               6
                Networking                 7  Resources                      8    Resources                5
                Education/Training         6  Legislative                    7    Education/Training       4
                opportunities                  Connections                        Opportunities
                Legislative                5  Education/training             5    Letters of Support       3
                Connections                    opportunities
                Leadership                 4  Letters of Support             5    FQHC Audit/              2
                opportunities                                                     Compliance
                Grant writing support      3   FQHC Audit/compliance         4    Leadership               2
                                               sharing                            Opportunity
                Letters of Support         3   Leadership opportunity        4    Legislative              2
                FQHC                       2  Grant writing support          3    Health Plan              1
                audit/compliance                                                  Intervention
                Roundtables                2  Health Plan Intervention       3    Roundtables              1
                Health Plan                1  Roundtables                    3    Grant Writing            0
                Intervention                                                      Support
                Workforce assistance       0  Workforce assistance           3    Workforce                0
                Other (Please              0  Other (Please Specify)         0    Other (Please            0
                Specify)                                                          Specify)

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