Page 27 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
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Figure 9. Membership Satisfaction with the Association’s Advocacy Efforts, 2017
               through 2020 (Click here to go back)

                 5   4.8  4.8       4.8  4.7          4.6       4.7 4.6        4.7         4.6
                     (N=18) 4.7 (N=20)4.8  4.7 (N=17) 4.5 (N=19)  4.6  (N=19)  4.6 (N=20) (N=19)  (N=19)  (N=19)  4.5
                       (N=18)  (N=19)  (N=18)  (N=19)  4.6 (N=20)           4.4          4.4            (N=17)
                                              4.5 (N=18)   4.4 (N=18)     4.4(N=20)    4.4 (N=18)
                                              (N=17)       (N=18)       4.3 (N=18)  4.2  (N=18)
                 4                                                                  (N=18)

                   Providing timely  Advocacy   Federal   State legislative Local legislative Opportunities  340B Advocacy
                     legislative            legislative efforts  efforts  (County Board of  for
                      updates                                           Supervisor)  Meeting with
                                                                         efforts     legislators
                                                    2017   2018  2019   2020

               Figure 10. Board of Director’s Satisfaction with the Association’s Workforce Items, 2017
               through 2020 (Click here to go back)

                                                    2017  2018   2019  2020
                            4.7 4.7
                 5    (N=18) (N=18) (N=20)(N=19)  4.1  4.2  4.3  4.2  4.3 4.3  (N=16)  4.3  4.1 (N=15)  4.4
                                               4 (N=16)
                                       (N=16) (N=15) (N=19)  (N=15) (N=18)(N=19)  3.8  (N=16) (N=16)  (N=14)
                 4                                                        (N=17)
                     Dissemination of     Job board/    Opportunities for  Overall level of  AHEC scholars
                        Education/       resume bank       workforce      satisfaction with   program
                     training/webinar                     developent   the support given by the
                       opportunities                                    Association to adress…

               Figure 11. Board of Director’s Satisfaction with the Association’s Learning
               Collaboratives, 2018 through 2020 (Click here to go back)

                 5    4.5    4.4                   4.5                  4.8            4.4
                         4.2         4.3  4  4.3       4.1 4.1                                        4.2

                   Nursing Leadership Medical Leadership  340B Learning  Emergency  HR Learning  Finance Learning
                       Learning       Learning     Collaborative  Management    Collaborative  Collaborative
                      Collaborative  Collaborative                 Learning
                                                       2018  2019   2020

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