Page 15 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
P. 15

Quality Improvement

               The Association plans to continue expanding the learning collaboratives in 2021. Eighty-
               nine (89%) percent of the Board of Directors indicated their Quality Improvement staff
               would attend an Association Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative.

               The  Board of  Directors  were also surveyed on what quality improvement  topics  they
               would prefer.  The top  three responses were: diabetes mellitus,  hypertension
               management, and women’s health which are the same top three of importance identified
               in 2018, and in 2019. For the complete list of quality improvement areas see Table 3
               below. Respondents were able to make multiple selections for this question.

               Table 3

               Quality Improvement (n=17)

                 What Quality Improvement areas would you like the Association to              Responses:
                 assist you in:
                 Diabetes Mellitus                                                                  15
                 Hypertension Management                                                            13
                 Women’s Health                                                                      8
                 Vaccines for Children                                                               7
                 Vaccines for Adults                                                                 5
                 Cancer                                                                              3
                 Other Suggestions – (specify below):                                                3
                    •  Obesity
                    •  Would be great to have an interactive session with members on
                        lessons learned as rolling out Covid vaccine clinics- what worked?
                        what  didn’t? hurdles with vaccine provider application? best
                        practices for successful vaccine clinic.
                    •  We are in the process of assessing our current quality needs. I’ll
                        be able to provide feedback at a later date.
                 HPV                                                                                 1
                 Asthma Management                                                                   1

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