Page 19 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
P. 19

Suggestions, Comments or Areas of Work for the Association to Consider Performing

               The survey asked the Board of  Director’s  to provide their suggestions, comments, or
               areas of work that they would like the Association to consider performing in the future.
               Responses indicated satisfaction with the Associations support and effectiveness.
               Comments also indicated that some members were interested in a Grant Development
               Committee, Board Leadership Trainings, and more time to collaborate with other Board
               members during board meetings. The list of all comments are illustrated in Table 7.

               Table 7

               Suggestions, Comments or Areas of Work for the Association to Consider Performing

                Add Any Suggestions, Comments or Areas of Work You Would Like The Association
                to Consider Performing
                                                        2020 (n=7)
                Nothing at this time
                The Association does a beautiful job and has provided an ample amount of support.
                There needs to be a Grant Development Committee once a month with a focus on
                finding relevant grant opportunities
                Provide board leadership trainings
                Board meetings are typically informational and there is little to no time to discuss, get
                to know other health centers, and create collaboration. Maybe there could be a forum
                for sharing our challenges and working on solutions together? I know the collaborative
                groups also do this but I would like to see something with leadership and the board
                meetings seem to be the best opportunities for this.
                As a new CEO, but a long time health center staff member, I am impressed with
                CHAISR’s organization and effectiveness. The support of your team is outstanding.

               Positive Feedback in General or by Staff Name

               The survey asked the Board of Directors to provide positive feedback in general or by
               staff name. Respondents provided very positive feedback when it came to the President
               and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of Policy and Projects. The Associations
               staff was also highlighted in providing prompt communication and support. (Table 8 on
               the next page).

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