Page 14 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
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Board of  Director’s  Overall Satisfaction with the  Support Given by the Association to
               Support Members via Learning Collaboratives

               The Association began leading Medical Leadership Learning Collaboratives in May 2017.
               In June 2018, the Association kicked off two learning collaboratives: Nursing Leadership
               Collaborative and 340B Learning Collaborative. For the year 2020, the Association kicked
               off three new learning collaboratives: Emergency Management Learning Collaborative,
               Human Resources  Learning Collaborative,  and Finance  Learning Collaborative.  The
               Nursing Leadership Collaborative was scored as satisfied with a 4.5 out of 5. The 340B
               Learning Collaborative was scored as satisfied with a 4.5  out  of  5.  The Emergency
               Management Collaborative was scored as almost very satisfied with a 4.8 out of 5. The
               HR Collaborative was scored as 4.4 out of 5. The Finance Collaborative was scored as
               4.2 out of 5. The collaboratives were an opportunity for the Association’s membership to
               have a common learning space and share best practices. In 2020, The Board of Directors
               rated their overall satisfaction with the support given by the Association to members’
               Medical Leadership Learning Collaborative as satisfied (4.3 out of 5).

                 5                                                   4.8
                         4.4            4.3                         (N=13)          4.4
                         (N=12)                        4.1                         (N=12)         4.2
                                       (N=10)                                                     (N=11)

                    Nursing Leadership Medical Leadership  340B Learning  Emergency  HR Learning  Finance Learning
                       Learning       Learning     Collaborative  Management    Collaborative  Collaborative
                      Collaborative  Collaborative                 Learning
                                                                 Collaborative                     Scale:
                                                                                                   5 = Very Satisfied
                                                             2020                                  4 = Satisfied

               Figure 11. Board of Director’s Satisfaction with the Association’s Learning Collaboratives
               – 2020

                    To view the data & trends for the Board of Director’s Satisfaction with the Association’s
                           Workforce Items for the past three years (2018-2020), please click here.

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