Page 11 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
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Board of Director’s Overall Satisfaction with Resource and Support Services

               Table 2 depicts the Board of Director’s overall satisfaction with the Association’s resource
               and support services.  The  Board of  Directors  were satisfied (4.4  out of  5) with the
               Association’s support  on quality care initiatives. Technical assistance (4.4 out of 5),
               website (4.6 out of 5), support given by the Association to the Specialty Care Access
               Initiative  (referral process  and,  referral  guidelines, etc.)  (4.4  out of 5),  health plan
               intervention (4.5 out of 5), and grant funding opportunities were all rated as satisfied.
               Emergency Management was a newly introduced category in 2020, which The Board of
               Directors voted being satisfied with (4.7).

               Table 2

               Board of Director’s Overall Satisfaction with Resource and Support Services in 2020

                 Board of Director’s Overall Satisfaction                      2020 Rating
                 with:                                                          (Out of 5)
                 Support on quality of care initiatives (i.e.                  4.4 (N=17)
                 Capital Link Performance Evaluation
                 Profiles; P4P)
                 Technical assistance                                          4.4 (N=17)
                 Website                                                       4.6 (N=17)
                 Support given by the Association to the                       4.4 (N=14)
                 Specialty Care Access Initiative (referral
                 process, referral guidelines, etc.)
                 Health Plan Intervention                                      4.5 (N=17)
                 Grant Funding Information &                                   4.6 (N=19)
                 Emergency Management                                          4.7 (N=17)

                  To view the data & trends for the Board of Director’s Overall Satisfaction with Resource and
                          Support Services over the past four years (2017-2020), please click here.

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