Page 6 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
P. 6


               The  questionnaire was developed and administered  using SurveyMonkey ,  an online
               computer-based program, to gather the desired data. Invitations were sent to members
               of the Board of Directors via email on October 3, 2020 with a deadline to complete the
               survey by October  31, 2020. Participation was encouraged with  additional  email
               reminders and  phone calls. Participant solicitation was  completed and  closed on
               December 5, 2021.

               A total of 19 individuals on the Community Health Association Inland Southern Region’s
               Board of Directors were invited to complete the questionnaire. All 19 Board members
               completed the  28-question  online  survey  representing a  100% participation rate.
               Satisfaction was measured on a scale of 1 through 5:

                   •  1 representing “Very Dissatisfied”
                   •  2 representing “Dissatisfied”
                   •  3 representing “Neutral”
                   •  4 representing “Satisfied”
                   •  5 representing “Very Satisfied”

               Respondents had the option to select “Not Applicable” or “No Input” on questions, and
               these answers were not given a numerical value or counted in the question scoring. The
               number of  respondents  for each question is indicated respectively  throughout the

               Throughout the report there is a four-year comparison of data, 2020, 2019, 2018 and
               2017. The data collected in 2019, 2018 and 2017 was collected via SurveyMonkey with
               100% participation rate using the same satisfaction scale of 1 through 5.

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