Page 4 - (Final)Annual Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 (1)
P. 4

Executive Summary

               The Community Health Association Inland Southern Region (Association) conducted a
               membership satisfaction survey during the months of October to December 2020. The
               purpose of the annual survey was to gather insight into the membership’s satisfaction
               with the  Association’s  performance,  as well as  garnering  suggestions  for increasing
               member services.  As we all faced a global pandemic for the year 2020, some of the
               information was adjusted due to COVID-19 safety regulations.

               A total of  19 Board  of Director  members  were invited to complete the  on-line
               questionnaire. All  19  members completed the questionnaire,  representing  a  100%
               participation rate. Membership satisfaction was measured on a scale of 1 through 5:
                   •  1 representing “Very Dissatisfied”
                   •  2 representing “Dissatisfied”
                   •  3 representing “Neutral”
                   •  4 representing “Satisfied”
                   •  5 representing “Very Satisfied”

               The  Board of  Directors  (Board)  were  satisfied  with  the bi-monthly  Board of  Director’s
               meetings (4.6 out of 5) and with the sharing of information (4.5 out of 5). The Board was
               also satisfied (4.7 out of 5) with the Chief Executive Officer’s effectiveness, as well as
               being almost very satisfied with the Director of Policy and Projects’ effectiveness (4.8 out
               of 5). The Director’s responsiveness to the Board of Director’s needs was rated at 4.8 out
               of 5.

               The following topics were identified as trainings that the Board indicated interest in.
                (top 4):
                   •  FQHC Compliance
                   •  Leadership/Management Strategies
                   •  Advocacy/Advocate
                   •  Grant Writing

               The following topics were identified as trainings that could be offered to the Board’s staff
               (top 4):
                   •  Diabetic Treatment Update
                   •  Chronic Disease Management
                   •  Customer Service
                   •  Team-Based Care

               The top three reasons given for maintaining membership in the Association were:
               a) Collaboration, b) Resources, and c) Advocacy/Policy.

               The next membership satisfaction survey will be performed during the 4  quarter of the
               calendar year in 2021.

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